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2024-12-14 01:30:01

It's over. Should we run? The question now is not whether you should run, but whether you can run. Do you know why it keeps rising these days? If you look at me for a long time, you will know that I have been bullish since 3250 on November 26, and I have been bullish for more than ten trading days in half a month, almost more than ten days. Why are you warning about risks now? Because our meeting will be over this week, and the announcement will meet with the market. If we want to make policy expectations, it will be half a month ago, not now.

Now, as long as the policy does not greatly exceed expectations, the high probability is the link to prepare for the smashing. So I remind you once again that the market is likely to fall tomorrow.Will the button be approved tomorrow?Will the button be approved tomorrow?

Now, as long as the policy does not greatly exceed expectations, the high probability is the link to prepare for the smashing. So I remind you once again that the market is likely to fall tomorrow.It's over. Should we run? The question now is not whether you should run, but whether you can run. Do you know why it keeps rising these days? If you look at me for a long time, you will know that I have been bullish since 3250 on November 26, and I have been bullish for more than ten trading days in half a month, almost more than ten days. Why are you warning about risks now? Because our meeting will be over this week, and the announcement will meet with the market. If we want to make policy expectations, it will be half a month ago, not now.

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